Tuesday 4 October 2011

Fashion inspired by. . . ?

KayKay. I'm here again!
So, I was reading your average fashion magazine, in a bookshop, to avoid having to buy it, and it struck me that a lot of looks are inspired by not-so-ice things. Like, say, Shabby- Chic, or the hot new "Grunge" inspired looks. Like, what the hell, ya know? I mean, those catagories are like, sad things- people with ratty clothes, an' all, who can't afford better 'cause of whatever bad luck, but like, is it really ok then to market it off as glamorous and ultrafab??? Or to sell it for $200, like a pair of "distressed" skinnies that I saw the other day? Ok. So the point of this post is just to say that. . . think twice, all of you people and the World Wide Web, before you buy overpriced clothes spun out of someone else's sad story.

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